Man Happily Impregnates Twin Sisters At The Same Time [photos]
Some people take abundance to a whole new level…
I was on instagram, minding my business, admiring all of the beautiful photos, when something crazy popped up…
I read the caption, swiped right a few times, went left, scrolled the timeline like “this couldn’t be real.”
But it’s real.
Why do you think two beautiful women would do this to themselves?
In my opinion, they don’t have any major goals and dreams that they truly believe they can accomplish. They can’t see past their environment. They probably can’t imagine a man actually valuing them.
They’ve probably never been out of their city and come from poverty. The man more than likely also doesn’t have great plans for his life. So taking two sisters down a dark, twisted path, is no big deal for him. To him making two women have very little value for themselves is clout.
Having purpose, and having a high value of yourself, would stop most women from following this same path. Hopefully they look in the mirror one day, and see that they deserve better.

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