Black Excellence
Ex-crackhead turns into brilliant, beautiful, sophisticated, motivational speaker
I was on Youtube surfing, taking a break from writing a sales page for my new Soulmate Manifestation, life coaching course.
I was pushing it, really trying to THINK it out, about what it is I wanted to say, and what people needed to hear, in order to buy in, and get the healing they so desperately need.
Pushing is a no go these days. So I took a break. On Youtube I started to come across my soulmate tribe. Those who vibe really high, and empower the people.
When suddenly I saw this title “The Greatest Love Story Ever Told.” I clicked on it, of course. We all know Kissy loves her some love. A black woman begins to speak, and 8 minutes and 29 seconds into the 21 minute video, I stop. I say to myself, “This has to be one of the most inspiring stories I’ve ever heard. I must share this with my followers. Perhaps we can make it go viral. Because I know, someone following me, or someone connected to someone following me, needs to hear this story. “
This story by a woman named Ericka Alston, who tells the story of her life of formerly being a crackhead on the street. Just a little over 8 minutes in, and I realize I’m listening to one of the most powerful stories ever told.
I looked at her her. I saw her eloquence. I looked at her clothes. I realized that I was watching a fellow masterpiece, rock the mic, tell a story, and change lives like only a masterpiece can.
Darling, listen to one of God’s favorites, tell you a story about her life below:

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