Black Deaths
Shocking Leaked Body Cam Footage of George Floyd BEFORE Death Surfaces
Last night, as I was scrolling Facebook, I randomly came across a video that I decided to watch. The video was about leaked footage that Daily Mail recently acquired on George Floyd‘s death.
The way this guy explained what happened is something that is quite eye opening.
The video shows that a scared Floyd was in his car when police pulled up. They had to coax him out of his car into the back of the police car.
The video shows that Floyd was paranoid, and afraid for his life from the start. He spoke of his mother’s death, and actually asked to lay on the ground. As the officers politely tried to coax him into the back of the police car, Floyd who resisted arrest, while also being cooperative at the same time, said that he was claustrophobic and that he would die.
I can see how the footage makes the officers look less bad. As they were actually very nice to George.
Before George was on the ground he was already saying how he was in pain. The arrest was just too much for his soul to take at the time. He was obviously internally going through something.
When the cop pulled the gun out on Floyd it sent him into a deep shock. His ex-girlfriend was at the scene and said that Floyd suffered from mental health problems.
Obviously this part of the footage really was withheld from the public.
May Floyd R.I.P. Regardless his death has changed the world.
From Tupac’s death and Biggie’s death I took note of how powerful words are. Please REFRAIN from speaking out loud that you are going to die. DO NOT speak your death into existence.
Your words are your wand. They create your life. Yet at the same time, it seemed like Floyd knew it was his time to go and that’s part of the reason he was so scared.
I wonder if this is above our earthly heads?
What are your thoughts? How do you feel about all of this?
My heart is heavy.

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