Black Deaths
Depressed Mom Jumps From Tennessee Bridge With Her Baby In Her Hands, Killing Both
Memphis, Tennessee — On Monday, just before midnight, at a Shell gas station just south of exit 93, witnesses reported seeing 26-year-old Tanisha Lashay Barker, pull up and attempt to end her life by running into the gas pump. The pump did not explode.
Tanisha had arrived at the gas station there on Law Road, after recently becoming depressed due to losing her job at a CO-VID testing site. The crash didn’t awaken her suicidal state of mind. Instead Tanisha calmly got out of her vehicle with a small child, walked over to the interstate overpass, leaped over, and disappeared.
Deputies were already en route, after receiving multiple calls of a black female driver attempting to hit the gas pump. In addition to witnesses reporting the woman got out of the vehicle with a small child, walked over to the interstate overpass and disappeared.
A few minutes later, deputies said they received a call from a truck driver stating a “large object” had fallen from the bridge and struck his truck, as he was traveling westbound on I-40.
When deputies arrived, they said they located the deceased bodies of Tonisha Lashay Barker and a child.
A relative confirmed Barker was from Memphis, and identified the child as Johnathan Jones, 21-months-old.
“It’s heartbreaking,’’ Madison County Sheriff John Mehr told local ABC-TV affiliate WBBJ of the early Monday tragedy.

Black women go through so much, and we are constantly told to do everything on our own and fend for ourselves. An enlightened person already knows the baby father more than likely wasn’t around and handling responsibilites to make sure his child and the mother of his child are good.
But that truth will trigger so many people and they will ask why I even mentioned it, and tell me how wrong and evil I am for speaking the truth. So therefore, nothing gets said, and black women remain in the dark, stressing, struggling, single, and worried. Because the unenlightened people are the majority, and they HATE to hear the truth.
The truth that Tonisha didn’t know is that, we are not to depend on a job or the world to provide for us. We are to depend on God. When we increase our faith, and expect God to provide and pay our bills, he shows up and does just that. The story of Abraham taking his son Issac up on the mountain and telling him that God would provide the sacrifice is an example of that. (Please don’t bother telling me how God is fake and blah, blah, blah.)
But we are born into a world that conditions us to believe otherwise. We are lead to believe in lack. So we go through more pain than we must.
I don’t want Tonisha’s death to be in vain. Nor do I want this to be just another blog, that pimps a story to make money.
If you don’t know your next move in life, and you want to acquire wealth or financial freedom, sign up for my FREE Unstoppable Confidence masterclass series, so that you will understand the mindset shifts you need to make in order to move in that direction.
RIP Tonisha.

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