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Rick Ross Says He Cuts His Own Grass, Doesn’t Own A Jet, Flies Delta & Refuses To Throw Away Money
It’s safe to say that rapper Rick Ross has brought his rhymes to life. He 100% is the biggest boss you’ve seen thus far.
At a networth of $45 Million, that’s not saying that nobody is doing better than Ross. But it is saying that he is up there with the best of them.
Rick Ross Says He Cuts His Own Grass, Flies Delta & Refuses To Throw Away Money
Forbes sat down with the boss, as the Maybach Music founder dived into what it takes for a boss to bring in consistent income, enjoy the fruits of his labor and maintain balance his life.
“Miami rapper Rick Ross knows a thing or two about music. In 2006, Ross’ “Port of Miami” debuted at No. 1 on the U.S. Billboard Top 200 albums chart and made “Hustlin'” a breakout hit that had music lovers singing, “every day I’m hustling, hustling, hustling.”‘
No one-hit wonder, the Grammy-Nominated rapper stayed true to his words, founding Maybach Music Group in 2009 and making Forbes list of Hip-Hop Cash Kings in 2017.
Fifteen years after he first hit the charts, Ross stands atop a growing empire, a boss, a true entrepreneur with a vast reach and an unstoppable drive.
Friends call him “Rozay” (pronounced rosé). The name came to him when he was just a young dreamer, admiring VIPs and celebrities and their sparkling bottles while partying at Prince’s Glam Slam Club on Washington Avenue in Miami’s South Beach before Rick “The Boss” Ross could afford rosé champagne.
Ross dreamed up his life and followed suit.
Forbes: Did you always have an interest in owning a restaurant franchise like Wingstop?
Ross: Yes, but it was just a dream. [Wingstop CEO] Charlie Morrison did something that he didn’t necessarily have to do when he let a hip-hop artist come sit at the table and buy a franchise when he knew that I knew nothing about being a franchisee
Ross’s Mom Taught Him How To Boss
Born William Leonard Roberts II in Clarksdale, Miss., Ross, 45, grew up in Carol City, Florida, and says he learned much of his business acumen from his mother.
“When I became a young millionaire for the first time, I went to my mother because she had always been a registered nurse and worked two and three jobs. She always bought real estate. She came from Clarksdale, where the real estate was a lot cheaper. She would just keep buying houses. And I would say, ‘Mom, what do you think about the stock market?’ And she would say, ‘Son, I don’t really rock with the stock market. I don’t know much about it, but I know about real estate . . . So when you buy something, make sure you can touch it.'”
When he moved to Georgia in 2008, he bought a house two blocks from world heavyweight boxing champion Evander Holyfield’s famed 54,000-square-foot Fayetteville estate so that he could ride by the home each day. Rumor is that the fighter spent $20 million building the 235-acre estate and paid more than $1 million annually to keep the lights on and the grass cut.
Ross wasn’t thinking about upkeep. He admired the property.
“I looked at every curve and every up and downhill on the lawn. I was looking at the geese as I rolled by. I did that for years until one day, I saw the red for-sale sign on the gate and made a U-turn,” Ross says.
Cutting His Own Grass is Ross’ Therapy
While the rapper’s Fayetteville, Ga. dream home served as a prestigious location in the Coming 2 America film and was previously owned by boxer Evander Holyfield, Rick Ross said he saves money by cutting the grass of the 235-acre estate himself.
He told Forbes,
“When I bought the Fayetteville estate, locals would see me walk out of a restaurant and scream, ‘You know Holyfield spent $1 million a year to cut the grass.’ So I decided that I was gonna cut my own grass. And that’s what I did.”
He continued,
“I went down to John Deere and asked to see the biggest tractor, the most efficient tractor. I told them I had 200-plus acres that I wanted to keep cut, and they pointed out the right tractor. … I may have sat in the same spot for two hours before I got everything working, but once I got it going, I didn’t stop. I cut grass for about five hours.”
Interestingly enough, he added that the task was actually therapeutic for him.
“I realized that this was something I wanted to do. It was subconscious. I sit there and have my cannabis rolled up, and, man, I look at the property and can appreciate my struggles and my triumphs, those rough days. It’s the smallest thing, but it keeps a smile on my face. So, you know, for anybody who doesn’t cut their own grass, I would say take time out every two or three months to cut your grass because it is such a great and peaceful sensation.”
The Boss Flys Delta
Ross also saves money by flying commercial He told the magazine. ” I don’t have a big jet. I try my best to fly Delta.”
“Yes, I’m not about throwing money away, but it’s important that people enjoy the fruits of your labor and stay ahead of the curve. I make sure that I am surrounded by love and inspiration and motivation.
Rick said something pretty important in the interview that I would’ve loved if the interviewer dabbled into a bit more instead of skipping over it.
Ross spoke about bringing balance into your life.
” I make sure that I am surrounded by love and inspiration and motivation. Through the window I am looking out of right now in the Southwest Ranches, I can see my red-on-red 458 Ferrari, and it is inspiring. The work is inspiring, but it can drain you. So while I want people to understand that everything is possible, you have to separate yourself and find balance.
And now for the grand finale/micdrop.
It’s very important in life to move like a boss. Bosses have a code and Rick spoke about that code during this Forbe’s interview.
Hofmann: When you are not decorating or creating new partnerships, what do you do?
Ross: When I’m at home, that’s when I get to talk to my horses. I get to tell them what my week was like. I get to rub them on their noses and their heads. They love me. They try to kiss my ears. When they see me walk up to the gate, they stop doing what they’re doing and they trot to me like they are saying, ‘There he is. We hope he has carrots and apples.’ And I do. Remember, a boss always comes bearing gifts. You’ve gotta bear gifts.
I would love to interview Rick Ross someday and write such a beautiful article. Ross always brings it in interviews.
Read The Full Article over at Forbes.
What are your thoughts on the way Ross thinks and manifests his life of luxury.

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