Teacher Who Let Female Students Unbraid His Hair Has Been Fired (NEW VIDEO)
A Black science teacher known as JaQ Lee (@thilluminatin1) on TikTok, incorporating the platform to showcase his classroom dynamics, faced termination following a viral video showing his female students unbraiding his hair.
Social media buzzed with discussions that faulted JaQ Lee’s actions, with the teacher citing an appointment after school as his reason for having the students assist him in taking down his braids.
“I didn’t have time to do it all by myself because it would’ve taken me forever, so naturally I asked about four or five of over 100 best friends to assist me in taking my hair out, and they all agreed,” Lee said.
“If I was a female teacher, those people wouldn’t be in the comments saying ‘Oh this is weird, this is inappropriate.’ Me personally, I don’t think there’s anything weird about this. People are saying it’s too intimate. To me, it’s literally just hair. It doesn’t have to be weird. Some people have never had cool teachers and it shows.”
On May 10, Lee made video on TikTok crying as he read letters that students and others wrote him, telling them that they’ll miss him, alluding to the notion that he was fired.
This hurts my heart so bad this man needs his job back asap !!! Jaq lee if you’re seeing this stay strong it’s teachers like you who made me who i am today 🥺❤️
— Nijaaa (@just4funbaee) May 11, 2024
Many people were focused on pedos, like R. Kelly. They wouldn’t cut the man a break.
Lee received support and some criticism in the comments of the video, and people also discussed the situation on X, formerly known as Twitter.
“I see nothing wrong. Some of them may not have a father figure or big brother at home, so keep it up. Be there for them,” one user said.
“This is 1000 percent inappropriate, male or female it doesn’t matter. You are a professional, this is a profession and this is not professional behavior,” another user said.
Rapper Cardi B. gave her opinion:
“Since I have a daughter, I wouldn’t want to see my daughter be around no men, period. Your perspective in everything, when it comes to girls, changes when you have an actual daughter,” Cardi said on Instagram Live. She added, “I don’t think he should get fired because, you know what, we’re lacking teachers right now.”
“You can tell that the girls really like their teacher, so that means their classmates like their teacher. When you like your teacher, it makes you want to pay attention more in class and it makes you want to do better in class,” the musician continued. “He probably has a good relationship with his students.”
I saw the story when it first went viral and I avoided posting it because I didn’t want to be a part of this man being fired. As I don’t know him..
Honestly, I wonder what kind of women he talks to and if he ran that video by them before he posted it. Almost any woman could’ve told him that women on social media would drag him for it.
Not to mention, he literally said “let’s go ahead and stir the pot” in the initial follow-up video addressing the drama. Not only did I notice it, but many of his commenters also realized that he spoke it into existence.
What’s really sad about social media is that it has become a place for blacks to destroy the lives of others. People have to stop thinking that social media loves you.. They will turn on you in a heartbeat because it’s a place where negative people finally have a place to COMPLAIN, spread their negativity, and attract like minded people.
Jaq Lee obviously wanted to be famous and known as the “cool teacher,” and he is fast approaching nearly 1 Million Tik Tok followers so we shall see how this goes.

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