Crimes of Passion
Man proposes to girlfriend, then murders her 3-months later
Woman killed by fiance in murder-suicide inside Detroit home
DETROIT, MICHIGAN – On Wednesday, police arrived at a residential unit at the Jefferson Square Apartments, south of Jefferson Ave, to find a woman dead, and a 20-something year old man clinging to life, in a murder suicide.
The victim, 30-year-old Shinique Collins, was recently engaged to the man who shot her.
“Everybody knew her, (she was a) dancing queen,” said Shimyria Collins,
Wednesday morning it was very hard for Shimyra to talk about her sister Shinique.
“She just turned 30,” Shimyria said. “She just got engaged, she was everything. She loved to dance. She had three beautiful daughters always kept them up.”
The person found lying next to Shinique in her home was her longtime boyfriend. Police say he was shot in the head in what cops are calling a murder suicide attempt.
“Three kids together, they’ve been together a long time, you hope people could resolve their differences in other ways than this,” said Capt. Michael Dicicco, Detroit police. “Life moves on and it’s not worth the end.”
Shinique and her boyfriend were living together. Her family says they were just engaged in February. Family thought the couple was happy. Clearly something was wrong.
“I’m glad I got a chance to tell my friend I love her,” said a friend. “It’s crazy that this happened to her.”
Detroit police Capt. Michael Deciccio said the couple argued downstairs after a night visiting with friends — a man and a woman who were in the apartment with their children at the time of the shooting.
“The three children that they have in common were upstairs sleeping, and there was another of the persons visiting, one of their children was there also,” Deciccio said. “Four children in the apartment.”
All the children are under the age of 10.
The children’s father had a 9-mm handgun and turned it on himself after shooting his fiance, police said. He survived a gunshot to the head, according to authorities.
Officials said the man underwent surgery and was listed in critical condition. It was confirmed on Thursday morning that he has died.

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