Dating The Wrong Man
2 Men killed Michigan woman over $75 drug debt
There are always two different worlds going on, on the planet. One of scarcity and lack, and the other of abundance. Most of the crimes are committed in the world of lack.
Lansing, Michigan – On Friday two men appeared in court for fatally shooting a woman over a $75 drug debt.
Tameka Jackson, 37, was killed March 13, the Lansing State Journal reported.
Rudolfo Alvarez, 31, and John Kennedy, 44, are being tried on charges of murder, attempted murder, home invasion and possession of five felony weapons
According to court records, the two men went to her boyfriend Augustus Robinson’s apartment to collect the drug debt. Robinson said he told the men he would pay the debt as soon as he was paid the following week, but when he started walking toward Alvarez, he was warned to stop.
When Jackson picked up her cellphone and held it to her ear, the older fool, Kennedy, allegedly fired two shots, hitting the woman in the neck and torso, the State Journal reported.

Jackson called 911 and Robinson locked the apartment after the men left, but the older fool, Kennedy, kicked down the door and broke through the deadbolt, according to court records. He then shot Jackson two more times, Robinson testified, in court.
“They could’ve easily left at that time,” Ingham County Assistant Prosecuting Attorney John Dewane told the court. “The only reason (Kennedy) came back in that house, your honor, is because he left a witness alive.”
Robinson said he was shot in the stomach by Kennedy.
Toby White, Alvarez’s attorney, said his client was not responsible for “any of this outrageous violence,” the State Journal reported.
Both men remain in custody at the Ingham County Jail without bail.
Yvette Farrow just wants to hug and kiss her baby girl one last time.
Farrow said she will miss hugging her daughter.
So much that Farrow kissed her dead daughter’s face after the body was released from the morgue. She needed to see her baby.
“I kissed her,” Farrow said. “I didn’t care. I kept kissing her, because that’s my baby.”
Farrow said her daughter had no enemies. She had a heart of gold and was goofy, and was always laughing.
“I don’t know how this happened or why it happened, but I’ve been wracking my brains about this,” Farrow said. “She was a good person, she had a good heart.”
When Farrow heard the news of her daughter’s death, she said she felt like she was having a heart attack. “It felt like someone had just stabbed me in the heart with a knife,” Farrow said. “I couldn’t believe it.”
“They didn’t have to take my child’s life,” Farrow said. “And to imagine her over there fighting for her life; it bothers me I wasn’t there to save her. They didn’t have to do her like this.”
This is very tragic. However having a good heart will not stop someone from coming into harm’s way when they are dealing with someone else who doesn’t make the best decisions, AKA a drug addicted boyfriend.
The boyfriend who dealt with men who valued their own lives at $37.50 cent a piece.

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