Celebrity Drama
Kanye West: “Harriet Tubman Never Freed The Slaves”
Rapper Kanye West has officially confirmed that he has no intentions of becoming president anytime soon.
Kanye put on a bulletproof vest, then walked out on stage and dropped the shock mic.
Today, on July 19th of the year 2020, 43-year-old, Chicago born rap superstar, Kanye West, also known as “Yeezy,” also known as the creator of one of the most popular, black culture soundbites, when he told SWAY that he didn’t have the answers, to the suppression of black designers who want to enter the world of luxury fashion design.
Also the same person who said that slavery was a choice.
Also the same person who made yet another historical viral statement today the he said something so shocking, that I am curious as to just how much media coverage and engagement he’ll get on social media from this.
Kanye said…… Drum roll please….
In an utterance of the most incomprehensible statement ever made by a man not married to a black woman, Kanye said that the highly celebrated civil rights activist, Harriet Tubman, never freed the slaves. 😮
Did I mention that he said this while on a campaign rally in South Carolina.
Watch the shocking footage below…
What are your thoughts?
My thoughts are that Kanye isn’t about to give me a headache today. I am just passing the news along. A cancel Kanye social media movement is coming soon. But it won’t work. You can’t cancel Kanye. That man is FREE.
His family on the other hand is now worried that Yeezy is having a bi-polar episode. But heck if he can make a billion dollars and be bi-polar at the same time, then maybe we should cheer for the man. ( I know… NOT)
That’s my two cents. And if I thought it would give me ANY sense of enlightenment, I would go watch a slave movie on Netflix, but I’m good on that. I’mma go watch Madame CJ Walker again.

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