Crimes of Passion
He cheated, so she set his mom’s house on fire: ‘I hope your mom likes being burned alive’
Some women actually are a woman of their words. They take action. Just not in the way you want them to.
Lansing, Michigan – A woman angry at her boyfriend texted him, “I hope your mom likes being burned alive,” before allegedly setting a house on fire and killing the man’s mother and two of his nephews. All because she suspected that he was cheating on her.
On the night of September 3, Abbieana Williams, 21, altered her life destiny when she sent a threatening text message to her boyfriend.

According to state court records obtained by the Lansing State Journal, Abbieana texted her boyfriend a threatening message to let him know that she was about to commit a murder, in order to punish him for cheating on her.
“I’m outside your mom’s house … I hope your mom likes being burned alive,” stated the text. Minutes later his mother’s house went up into flames.
Upon their arrival on the 1400 block of Elizabeth, firefighters found a small, one-story home, engulfed in flames, with fire spewing out of the front and side windows. Inside they found the body of three deceased victims: a 53-year-old woman and two little boys.

The victims were identified as Melissa Weston, 53, and her two grandsons, 8-year-old Aston Griffin and 4-year-old Jesse Kline IV.

Abbieana denied starting a fire and being at 1450 Elizabeth Street on the night of the fire.
However, a friend of Williams told police that he dropped her off near that address that night, shortly before 11:30pm.
The friend said that before getting out of the car, Williams told someone on the phone, “I hope your mama likes burning alive,” the affidavit states.
Williams was mad at her boyfriend because she thought he was cheating on her, and said she planned to throw a rock through the window, the friend said.
Westen’s home caught on fire about four minutes after neighbors saw a black woman pacing outside.
According to the affidavit, the woman asked to borrow a lighter from a neighbor and was seen heading toward Westen’s home.
And after the fire, Williams’ boyfriend was spotted holding the same lighter.
A neighbor’s surveillance video recorded a glass shattering sound at 11:24pm, and captured a woman a minute later walking around Elizabeth Street for 13 minutes.
When the Lansing Fire Department arrived just eight minutes later, the home was already engulfed in flames.
“This arson was a despicable act of violence and my heart goes out to the victims and their family,” Lansing Police Chief Daryl Green said.
“I’m comforted in knowing that LPD and LFD intentionally investigated this dynamic crime and that our public safety collaboration was able to quickly bring a very dangerous alleged suspect into custody.”
Abbieana Williams is charged with three counts of arson and three counts of murder.

Drique Blackmon, Williams’ mother, said her daughter has autism, “as well as some emotional impairment disorders,” but she isn’t violent.
“If you were to go at her, fighting her, she’s going to drop to the ground and curl up,'” said Blackmon, 37, of Lansing. “She’s not violent. She’s never been violent. She’d risk her life to save someone, and that includes animals.”

She took 3 lives in the process of throwing away her own. Black women must learn to love themselves like their life depends on it, because it does. Instead of choosing to love herself and move on, Abbieana Williams chose to sacrifice her own life in the process. She didn’t even have enough love for herself to walk away from the pain. Getting back at her boyfriend was more important than loving herself.
We definitely need to raise consciousness in this world, and educate people on controlling their emotions and the dynamics of human relationships. Some pain will come. It’s unavoidable. You are to learn the lesson and make better decisions. YOU ARE NOT TO BE REACTIVE TO YOUR EMOTIONS. Younger women tend to get outright enraged over the egregious emotional betrayals perpetuated against them by the men they love.
It’s hard for some not to want to take revenge and to show people that you aren’t one to be messed with. But murdering a man’s innocent mother is completely on a different level.
Abbieana’s mother needs to understand that rather her daughter has a mental handicap or not, she’s still a woman. Playing with a woman’s heart is a dangerous thing. Which is why the show SNAPPED was created. Women are highly emotional creatures, which is also why they need GOOD MEN to balance them out. When a man comes in violating her heart, it can push even the sweetest girl over the edge. Abbieana however was not sweet. Her act was pure evil.
I hope you share these blogs, to bring light to younger women, and help them to make better decisions.
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