Celebrity Drama
Search Warrants Issued For Deshaun Watson’s Cash App And Social Media Accounts; 9 Women Have Filed Criminal Complaints
Deshaun Watson is another baller getting in unnecessary trouble for being a narcissist.
According to the Houston Chronicle Watson is being accused of sexual misconduct by 22 women. 9 Women have filed complaints against the athlete.
Three search warrants have been issued to give access to Deshaun Watson’s social media accounts, according to ABC 13 in Houston.
The warrants were reportedly signed by a judge on Oct. 19, allowing access to his Facebook, Instagram, and Cash App account. The crime being investigated is reportedly listed on the warrant as indecent assault.
The NFL quarterback has not played this year because of his ongoing legal issues. He hasn’t been criminally charged, but the warrants reportedly include nine women who allege Watson coerced them into sexual encounters. Investigators also want to access deleted information from Watson’s accounts, per ABC 13.
New information has come out from nine women who have filed criminal complaints against him.
While some of the information is similar to what he has been accused of by 22 women in civil lawsuits, there are some new details that don’t paint Watson in the best of lights.
The Houston Chronicle has outlined them.
Houston police have at least nine reports accusing Texans quarterback Deshaun Watson of sexual misconduct during massage therapy sessions, with search warrant records showing that investigators are eyeing indecent assault — a misdemeanor crime — as a possible criminal charge.
The three search warrants — signed in October by a judge to collect data from Watson’s Instagram and Cash App usage.
In two incidents at The Houstonian Hotel, the football player pressured the women into performing fellatio, court records show.
The bulk of the incidents reported to police happened in 2020 but one of the women — also a licensed massage therapist — said Watson was inappropriate to her earlier than that, during sessions in September and October 2019 at his Westchase home. He showed her his erect penis during the first session and during the second, he asked her to massage around his genitals, according to the search warrants.
During a third session, Watson said he wanted the massage to end with sexual intercourse, documents continued.
Several incidents listed in the request for records happened through a Cypress Station-area business — A New U Salon Spa — whose owner arranged for Watson to meet at least two employees.
During the massage, Watson “grinded (sic) his pelvis, grabbed her butt” and then causing his penis to touch her hand, the investigator wrote. He ejaculated on her.
Watson encountered the same woman again in August — this time acting with more physical force, according to the search warrant. He told the woman during a session at the Cypress Station spa that he “wanted to ejaculate” and pulled her hand toward his buttocks, according to the search warrant.
“She’s good with her hands because she is a lesbian,” the woman alleged Watson as saying next. He then exposed his penis, tried to kiss her and “told her that she is not gay,” the documents continued.
When she pulled away, he grabbed the woman with his legs and slid her toward him. He then grabbed her head and pulled her face down — “trying to make her perform oral sex on him,” the investigator added.
In October, he tried putting his hands into her scrubs and asked her to touch his genitals.
Watson’s lawyer Hardin does not deny sexual encounters but says they were all consensual, and this is all a money grab. Watson’s agent says he’s “super confident” as to how the allegations will play out.
Based on his cash app activity, Watson paid between $100-$300 for his happy endings, and it appears he had a liaison helping find the women he was looking for.
The FBI is poking their nose around, either looking into extortion or possibly an escort ring using massages as a front.
Deshaun currently has a girlfriend, singer Jilly Anais
Watson, who continues to be paid by the Texans, requested a trade in January — a move that came less than six months after he signed a four-year, $156 million extension tying him to Houston through the 2025 season.
Watson and Anais recently returned from a romantic European getaway, where they enjoyed lavish dinners in Paris and Italy. He spent Thanksgiving with Anais and her family, as seen in videos she shared to Instagram.
Dating some of these ballers has to be for luxury lifestyle and clout purposes only. Reminds me of when Nelly got caught up in sexual allegations while he was dating Shantel Jackson. Embarrassing. But again, at least they get to live the luxury lifestyle and be able to sell whatever they want on social media, I guess…
From counseling a lot of men and woman, I’ve learned that some men do not realize their power over women. They aggressively convince women to have sex with them, to which she later feels disgusted and regrets when she realizes she didn’t get what she expected or in these massage cases he crossed boundaries and paid them peanuts.
What are your thoughts on this, when it comes to the girlfriends of these famous men who get caught up in sexual situations?
Anyway, here is how they met.

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