The Boyfriend Did It
Woman Goes Missing After Going Outside To Argue With Her Baby Father. He Came Back In & Her Body Disappeared
WAGENER, South Carolina – A family is searching for answers in the case of their missing loved one.
Krystal Anderson, 30, a mother of four went missing on Saturday, August 20, 2022 and hasn’t been seen since.
She was reported missing by her mother, Wanda Sumter, after relatives hadn’t heard from Anderson since that Saturday.
The mother told deputies this is unusual for Anderson, who normally has communication with her mother or other family members on a daily basis.
“We found out that she was missing from her oldest child’s father who suspected something was wrong because she never showed up to get her son for school,” said Anderson’s sister, Shadira Smothers. “I then received a call from her job and the school became worried.”
Smothers said she’d been told by her nephew that Anderson disappeared after an argument with boyfriend Tony Berry, outside on Saturday night.
Shadira Nicole (Smothers) said that one of Krystal’s kids heard their mom screaming:
“On Saturday night my sister and Tony was arguing and went outside. He heard my sister screaming and only Tony returned and my sister is missing. Please, Please, Please if anyone knows anything contact us. We sent the cops to Denise house which she is denying seeing him or having info. My nieces & nephew are crying for their mom and the youngest has been throwing up.”
“Tony came back in the house,” Smothers said. “No one has seen her since. Tony claimed she ran off. The school, her job, family, and friends know she would never abandon her four children.”
According to WRDW, A Wagener police officer told deputies he’d spoken with several people, including to Berry by phone, about Anderson. The officer said Berry stated Krystal had not been at the residence since Sunday and had left the children with him.
(There is already a discrepancy. She went missing on Saturday. The day before Sunday.)
Berry didn’t wish to report Anderson as missing and told an officer “Krystal often does this,” a deputy wrote in an incident report.
Three of the kids went to school on Monday but not Tuesday, according to deputies. By Wednesday, Wanda Sumter had found them and taken them to the sheriff’s headquarters.
When Aiken County deputies have tried to call Anderson and Berry, the calls have gone directly to voice mail.
The case has been turned over to the Aiken County Sheriff’s Agency’s criminal investigation division, according to the agency. Anyone with information about Anderson is urged to contact deputies at 803-648-6811.
Shadira Nicole Lee wrote on Facebook:
🚨UPDATE🚨 We received calls that Tony Berry was seen yesterday with his sister Denise Berry in Barnwell County/Sugarhill and Denise called me this morning upset about my post and said she has nothing to do with this but clearly she does because she is the one who dropped the kids off to my mom so clearly she has had contact with her brother who is now also reported missing and he is definitely a person of interest.
Also one of the kids changed the story he originally told us because he said he was told by Tony Berry to say those things but now he says on Saturday night my sister and Tony was arguing and went outside. He heard my sister screaming and only Tony returned and my sister is missing.
Please, Please, Please if anyone knows anything contact us. We sent the cops to Denise house which she is denying seeing him or having info. My nieces & nephew are crying for their mom and the youngest has been throwing up. We have been in these streets nonstop following up with leads, some we can’t mention because we are trying to stay one step ahead of this man!
I will NOT stop posting, pulling up to places, calling around, etc till we bring my sister home!!!!!!!!!! KRYSTAL we love you❤️ and we are doing everything in & out of our power to find you!!!!! This is a picture of my sister & Tony!!!!
Tony Berry has a history of domestic violence.
Krystal Anderson wrote:
Tony Berry who has a history of domestic violence, turned himself in yesterday, 18 days after my sister went missing & walked out a free man because law enforcement claim they have no reason to hold him😡 Tony claims his car was stolen and he doesn’t know how it ended up on fire!
He claims he doesn’t know where my sister is😡 but was seen by one of the kids putting her in the trunk of the car!
I refuse to let my sisters disappearance be unsolved. Krystal we are going to find you!💔 God please reveal us a sign/clue. Please give someone the courage to come forward. Please if anyone know anything call me 973-474-0064! #justiceforkrystalanderson #blackmomsmatter #BringKrystalHome
If the kids said they saw him putting her in the trunk, why hasn’t he been arrested?
The family has hired a private investigator and are asking people to come forward if they know something.
No one would no anything, unless he snitched on himself.
Apparently people knew what Krystal was going through. She even showed her pain online.
At other times Krystal had a fun personality and was full of life.
Okay Krime Team. I wrote this story, because one of my followers asked. Not a lot of information is available… We need to send this story viral to attract more news agencies and bring this story to closure. Share and do your thing.
Many women may find themselves caught up in an abusive relationship. You do not get bonus points for dealing with abusive men. There isn’t always karma that’s going to bless you 1000 times over for your pain. Many women each year go missing, end up in the hospital or lose their lives due to domestic violence.
Battered women are considered a “negative, low vibrational topic” not many will discuss this. And often times when it is discussed it’s coming from a victim mindset that keeps women sleep.
In life you have to be a warrior. If a man isn’t loving on you, he has to go. That may not be the easiest thing to do. But that’s how you look out for soul, protect yourself and stay healthy and alive for the sake of your kids.
If you are in such a situation, call the battered women’s hotline. They have options to help you find housing and get out safely.

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