Sidney Starr Apologizes For Ruining Chingy’s Career By Lying & Saying He Was In Transgender Relationship With Her
Chingy was once one of the hottest rappers in the game, with harmless hits that made you sing and dance.
Still til this day nearly everyone knows the sound of his Southern accent when he says “I love it when you do that right thurr.”
16 years ago, Chingy was rapping with Snoop Dog talking about chillin at the Holiday Inn.
Chingy was so hot that one time I was at the mall with this other hot rapper, and people were coming up to him congratulating him on his success calling him Chingy.
In 2009, Sidney Star claimed she was in a relationship with Chingy. She provided proof by posting a photo with Cningy that she took with him at a Chicago show. Sidney who Chingy thought was a girl was on stage with finger paint on along with a bunch of other girls, when she asked Chingy for a photos.
Chingy obliged.
Two years later, Sidney would use that photo to ruin Chingy’s career. And that’s all of the proof it took to wipe out Chingy’s career.
In 2014, she admitted she lied but ty then it was too late.
Sidney has once again apologized.
Now that the truth is out there, how do we as fans help Chingy get his rightful place and income back?
Does 50 Cent put him on a show like he did with Method Man, does he go on a tour and everyone buys tickets?
How is it possible for him to get back years of fame and income?
Currently Chingy is on tour.

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