CeeLo Green Slams Cardi B, Megan Thee Stallion, & Nicki Minaj For Sexual Content: “It Feels Desperate”
WAP dropped and caused a whole lot of backlash. Men are absolutely tired of black female leaders in the rap industry peddling salacious amounts of sex in order to sell records.
The latest to speak on his distaste for the current female rap leaders is CeeLo Green.

Speaking to Far Out Magazine, Green said:
“We are adults. There should be a time and a place for adult content. As adults and artists, we should at least attempt to be each other’s accountability partners in some regard. The stereotypes that are celebrated and perpetuated, ultimately make the perception a reality. It is disenfranchising and it has caused a great deal of problems.”
Ceelo also spoke on how female rap leaders are failing to use their huge platforms in constructive ways:
“You have the ‘Heads of State,’ like Nicki Minaj or someone who is up there in accolade: success, visibility, a platform to influence. Nicki could be effective in so many other constructive ways, but it feels desperate.”
Green concluded:
“Attention is also a drug and competition is around. Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion, they are all more or less doing similar salacious gesturing to kinda get into position. I get it, the independent woman and being in control, the divine femininity and sexual expression. I get it all but it comes at what cost?”
Now, what most people are going to do is bring up the fact that Cee-Lo was once accused of slipping a substance in a woman’s drink and having sex with her while she was passed out. (Green was not charged with rape, as prosecutors found the sex to be consensual.) Just so you know….
So, now back to the CURRENT topic. Cee Lo is right. I found WAP to be so thirsty, that I felt like maybe I really should stop blogging about celebrities altogether, because my since of consciousness knows that young women do not need to be seeing such videos. Women are already confused.
But one of my followers said something that I found interesting.
She said she loved the video as a married woman because it helped her get frisky for her husband and remind him that she’s still his freak and not just his wife.
I understand everyone’s perspective, but the truth is women walk around dressing like Nicki, Cardi & Megan, trying to be a freak for a man, without understanding the repercussions and without understanding that Nicki, Cardi and Megan got that bag.
BUT even though those 3 women have that bag, women actually don’t want the kind of man those 3 artists deal with. Cardi gets cheated on, Megan gets shot in the foot, and Nicki married her childhood sweetheart. Kenneth actually isn’t out here embarrassing her every 5 minutes. He’s definitely on Nicki’s support team and even has her name tatted on his neck.

On another note we are talking about the BUSINESS of female rap. Male rappers talk very reckless about black females and sell records. If female rappers were positive, would they still sell a lot of records or be as popular? Probably not.
Men also thirst after salacious women online, but what I realized is that men actually want those women for their fame, popularity, and business skills. They don’t really want their woman dressing like that. Except Kanye doesn’t mind.

And sadly, I feel like women like me, do a better job of empowering women than the top female rappers, and we don’t even have their same money, fame, or access to produce the greatness that they can. But once again, my dream has always been to EMPOWER classy women. Maybe Nicki, Cardi, & Megan are empowering in their own way. Because one thing for certain; when men call women hoes, prostitutes, and strippers these days, it does not hurt.
That comes thanks to women like Nicki, Megan, Cardi and the City Girls. So who are we really to judge these women?
In addition, through my own social medias, I see how much attention people pay to half naked girls, v.s. me giving out knowledge. I’ve seen even smart men thirst after half naked chicks online who don’t even drop knowledge.
The half naked girls get followers faster than me. The less attractive women get followers faster than me. When it comes to being a beautiful woman, the easiest way to promote yourself is simply to promote your flesh, cause men will like you and follow you, then so will the women. Women get very jealous of smart, beautiful, knowledgable women because they want to be like them. But Megan, Nicki & Cardi are fantasy images that most women know they will never be. There is no competition. So women opt to live through them.
It would be easier to promote myself if I stop giving out knowledge and just post half naked shots. My book, that women literally NEED to have great relationships, would sell a whole lot faster. If I were more popular, they’d buy faster just because I AM POPULAR. Which is how that one girl got away with selling a manifestation book that wasn’t even hers and didn’t give people what they needed. POPULARITY SELLS. You need to get people’s attention some kind of way, in order to SELL.
So DIVINE FEMININITY is the easier way to go. Why should these artists work hard to attract attention in a so called positive way, versus just being half naked and throwing out salacious lyrics? The world requires that black women be LOUD. I understand it all.
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