Celebrity Drama
Tory Lanez Charged With Assault With A Firearm for Shooting Megan Thee Stallion
The singer, Tory Lanez, whose real name is Daystar Peterson – just placed himself in hip hop history as the man who harmed a hip hop Goddess.
Lanez is facing charges of assault with a firearm and carrying a loaded, unregistered firearm in a vehicle; in the shooting of a rap superstar.
According to the police affidavit, Lanez, 27, discharged a fireman, shooting Megan Thee Stallion in the feet several times, causing injury to her.
The Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office, states the incident happened after the pair got into an argument inside an SUV, as it cruised through the Hollywood Hills on July 12th, 2020.
The Canadian artist is facing up to 23 years in prison, if convicted.
Court hearings will begin on October 13 at the Foltz Criminal Justice Centre in Los Angeles.
We don’t know if the hearings will the televised as of yet.

Initially Megan tried to be a down chick and not snitch on Tory, because he’s a black man, and she didn’t want to ruin his career or cause a threat to his life or her life at the hands of police.
After the incident, Megan accused Tory’s team of spreading misinformation online.
“Stop acting like black women is aggressive when all they be doing is speaking the… facts, and you… can’t handle it,” she said.
She spoke about being called a “snitch” online – and also cleared up stereotypical claims that accused her of being an aggressive, violent, emasculating, black woman who possibly hit Tory Lanez before the shooting.
Megan also previously said that Lanez had not reached out to her to apologize, while other reports state that Tory tried to bribe her.
Where Tory definitely went wrong, is releasing his “DayStar” album addressing the shooting and the accusations, and further pissing off women’s rights activists.

Addressing the incident on the album tracks, Tory said:
“Megan people tryna frame me,” he raps on the opening track, Money Over Fallout.
“Girl, you had the nerve to write that statement on that affidavit, knowing I ain’t do it but I’m coming at my truest.”
In the same song, he casts doubt on whether she was shot at all, asking: “How you get shot in your foot, don’t hit no bones or tendons?”

As I said previously, Tory Lanez has the most wounded staff possible in his inner circle. We don’t know him. We’re all on the outside looking in, but this appears to be a clear cut case of narcissism on Tory’s part.
I’ve seen way too often an abusive man who takes the feminine rap and claims victim to the woman he victimized. Narcissistic women also do this to the men whom they attempt to emasculate and diminish.
Men how have this pattern, tend to keep going, and feel invincible. Until they run up on the wrong woman. That woman is a Goddess who wishes no ill will on them, but instead lets God fight her battles.
The other day I rewatched Megan The Stallion’s live of when she confessed that she was shot, and I promise if you listened carefully with your third eye, you could hear that woman’s power, see her light, and see the chess moves she’s playing.
She remained very sweet while doing her job of promoting her music and being in the spotlight.
It’s not wise to TRY to go against a Goddess. They are spiritually protected.
On that live Megan said that Tory would get his due KARMA. She wasn’t even tripping.
God will reek havoc on a man who harms a Goddess.
We shall see how this plays out for Lanez. I think it would be best that he look for a new inner circle who is better able to convince him to improve his conflict resolution skills.
At this point he’s making backwards moves that will reduce the wealth he has already manifested. Which is what men do, when they don’t know how to treat a woman like a Queen.
Tory Lanez’s net worth is currently listed at $2 Million.
It probably wouldn’t surprise you to know that Megan’s networth is listed at $3 Million.
You ever notice, that disaster seems to come when women date down?

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