Chicago mom snaps, stabs 5-year-old daughter, and lays on the ground next to her - Page 3 of 3 - Krime with Kissy
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Chicago mom snaps, stabs 5-year-old daughter, and lays on the ground next to her

simone austin serenity arrington


Chicago mom snaps, stabs 5-year-old daughter, and lays on the ground next to her

kissy denise black vegas blogger

This is clearly a case of mental illness and a woman simply experiencing a last straw with kids getting on her nerves and sending her over the edge.

You can tell from her mugshot that Simone was most likely not putting herself first. (Then again we know the first thing they do when they take a black woman to jail is take her wig off.)

“I’m bad”

But still, most mothers and women in general don’t put themselves first, nor do they have a self-care routine. (Right now a lot of people are saying what does self-care have to do with anything…. That’s just how unaware most of the population is when it comes to the importance of a woman spending regular time loving on HERSELF.)

Usually in these cases we would find a single black woman left to do it all on her own. No father involved. Rarely does the average black woman think about the stress she’s about to endure by having a baby out of wedlock. Which is mostly a clear sign that a man isn’t committed to the situation or the relationship. Yet so many people on social media boast and tell black women they don’t need to get married.

From my work as a transformational life coach and speaking to dozens of mothers I’ve learned that mother’s are often HIGHLY stressed out and ready to snap on their kids. They feel really bad about this. They ask the father for help, but he often makes excuses as to why he can’t. So she’s left to be strong, and do it all on her own. It’s the norm in the culture.

I would suggest that if you don’t have anyone to watch your kids, that you step outside on the porch, and walk a short distance in front of the house in order to have 5 minutes to yourself and to calm down. The job of a mother is not easy. It requires great amounts of patience.

I would also suggest really sitting your kids down and talking to them and getting them to understand that disobeying you may cause you to snap. Believe it or not, a lot of kids understand this and they’ll calm down and even help their siblings to try to not over-do it in the disobedience department.

If you are a man reading this understand that women often need more help with the kids, than you may be aware of. Make sure the mother of your kids gets time to herself to destress. Kids will drive you crazy.

People are on Simone’s Facebook page calling her all kinds of names.

RIP Baby Serenity. I pray that Simone gets the help she needs. This a a tragedy for everyone involved.

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